class: inverse count: false background-image: url(img/vedrana-filipovic-wMQxgk2NhvI-unsplash.jpg) background-size: cover .title-slide-shannon[ # Growing into the R Community # Shannon Pileggi # September 15, 2021 <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> .right[ ### Photo by [Vedrana Filipović]( ] ] --- class: split-two white with-border[[ <br/><br/> <img style="border-radius: 50%;" src="img/RLadiesGlobal.png" width="150px" /> <br/> # R-Ladies Global <br/> ### [
@RLadiesGlobal](<br/> ### [](<br> ### [](<br/> ### [
Join R-Ladies Slack]( ]][[ <br/><br/><br/><br/> # R-Ladies Miami ### [
@RLadiesMiami](<br/> <br/><br/> # R-Ladies Coventry ### [
@RLadiesCoventry](<br/> <br/><br/> # R-Ladies Utrecht ### [
@RLadiesUtrecht](<br/> <br/> ]] --- class: split-two white with-border[[ <br/><br/> <img style="border-radius: 50%;" src="img/shannon-circle.png" width="150px" /> # Dr. Shannon Pileggi <br/><br/> ### [
<i class="fab fa-twitter faa-float animated " style=" color:#FFFFFF;"></i>
@PipingHotData](<br/> ### [](<br> ### [](<br/> ### []( ### []( ]][[ ### Presentation based on<br> the Aug 30, 2020 blog post:<br><br> ### [
<i class="fas fa-link faa-vertical animated " style=" color:#FFFFFF;"></i>
A job interview presentation<br> inspired by the R community: <br>How TidyTuesday and Twitter<br> helped me secure a job offer](<br/> ]] --- layout: true class: split-two with-thick-border border-white .column[.content[ .split-two[[[ # 1 <br><br> BACKGROUND ]][[ # 3 <br><br> CREATOR ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-two[[[ # 2 <br><br> CONSUMER ]][[ # 4 <br><br> CONTRIBUTOR ]] ] ]] ??? INTRODUCE BACKGROUND --- --- count: false class: gray-row2-col1 gray-row1-col2 gray-row2-col2 --- layout: false class: bg-main5 split-20[[ # LIFE CHANGES <br> # July 2018 <br> .row[.content.nopadding[ .fig90[] ]] <br> ### Map adapted from <br><br> [
<i class="fas fa-link faa-vertical animated " style=" color:#FFFFFF;"></i>
]( GGanimating <br> a geographic introduction ]][[ .row[.content.nopadding[ <img src="img/residences_flat_3.png" width="90%" /> ]] ]] --- class: middle left bg-main1 <br> ## Date: Oct 19, 2018 ## To: Friend ## From: Shannon Pileggi <br> ## _As far as the job search goes, I haven't found the right fit yet. Now I am focusing more on fully remote companies. In the meanwhile, I am starting to do some side projects to keep me active and build an online presence. So hopefully my new blog will launch next week! And I plan to get on twitter as well - I'm a bit scared of that! I've been reading up on twitter etiquette so hopefully I don't do anything dumb._ --- layout: false class: bg-main3 split-70[[ .row[.content.nopadding[ .fig90[] ]] ]][[ # Job interview<br>presentation instructions <br><br> ### 20 minutes ### focuses on market research ### innovative ### proud of ]] --- layout: true class: split-two with-thick-border border-white .column[.content[ .split-two[[[ # 1 <br><br> BACKGROUND ]][[ # 3 <br><br> CREATOR ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-two[[[ # 2 <br><br> CONSUMER ]][[ # 4 <br><br> CONTRIBUTOR ]] ] ]] ??? INTRODUCE CONSUMER --- count: true class: gray-row1-col1 gray-row2-col1 gray-row2-col2 --- layout: true class: split-three with-thick-border border-white .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # What is the R community? ]][[ # Podcasts ]][[ # TidyTuesday ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # YouTube ]][[ # Slack ]][[ # Meet-ups ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # Twitter ]][[ # Conferences ]][[ # Blogs ]] ] ]] ??? what is R community --- count: true class: hide-row1-col2 hide-row1-col3 hide-row2-col1 hide-row2-col2 hide-row2-col3 hide-row3-col1 hide-row3-col2 hide-row3-col3 --- count: false --- layout: false class: bg-main3 split-70[[ .row[.content.nopadding[ .fig90[] ]] ]][[ <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In this week's <a href="">#tidytuesday</a> screencast, I use tidytext to analyze what titles get claps on Medium posts. Practical guides on tensorflow/keras are the hottest, words like "marketing", "trends" and "industry" don't get you far <a href=""></a> <a href="">#rstats</a> <a href=""></a></p>— David Robinson (@drob) <a href="">December 4, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> ]] --- background-image: url(img/compare-1.svg) background-size: cover --- layout: false class: bg-main3 split-70[[ .row[.content.nopadding[ .fig90[] ]] ]][[ <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If you’re having trouble with xaringan, storyboards in flexdashboqrd can also make pretty nice presentations depending on the type of content / message you are trying to convey <a href=""></a></p>— Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer) <a href="">December 12, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> ]] --- layout: false class: bg-main3 split-70[[ .row[.content.nopadding[ .fig90[] ]] ]][[ <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">EMILY! this just blew my mind 🤯 thank you!</p>— Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill) <a href="">December 12, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> ]] --- layout: true class: split-two with-thick-border border-white .column[.content[ .split-two[[[ # 1 <br><br> BACKGROUND ]][[ # 3 <br><br> CREATOR ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-two[[[ # 2 <br><br> CONSUMER ]][[ # 4 <br><br> CONTRIBUTOR ]] ] ]] --- count: false class: gray-row1-col1 gray-row1-col2 gray-row2-col2 --- layout: false background-image: url(img/compare-1.svg) background-size: cover --- layout: false count: false background-image: url(img/compare-2.svg) background-size: cover --- layout: false count: false background-image: url(img/compare-3.svg) background-size: cover --- layout: false count: false background-image: url(img/compare-4.svg) background-size: cover -- .title-slide-shannon[ <br><br><br><br> .right[ ### [technical details
<i class="fas fa-link faa-vertical animated " style=" color:#FFFFFF;"></i>
]( ### [@drob code
]( ### [@drob video
]( ]] --- layout: false class: split-two bg-main2 .column[.content[ .split-two[[.center.vmiddle[ ### [
Presentation](<br/> <img src="img/interview-presentation.PNG" width="500"> ]][.center[ ### [
Shiny 1](<br/> <img src="img/interview-shiny-1.PNG" width="500"> ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-two[[.center.vmiddle[ ### [
Code](<br/> <img src="img/interview-github.PNG" width="500"> ]][.center[ ### [
Shiny 2](<br/> <img src="img/interview-shiny-2.PNG" width="500"> ]] ] ]] --- class: center middle <img src="" width="70%" /> --- layout: false class: split-two white with-border[[ <br><br> # WHAT I DID WELL <br><br> ## Mirrored TidyTuesday analysis <br> ## Researched audience <br> ## Hosted presentation online <br> ## Didn’t use powerpoint ]][[ <br><br> # WHAT I WOULD HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY <br><br> ## Limited scope <br> ## Change ggplot default colors ]] --- background-image: url(img/austin-neill-ZahNAl_Ic3o-unsplash.jpg) background-size: cover .title-slide-shannon[ <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> .right[ ### Photo by [Austin Neil]( ] ] ??? re-using learnings in work & personal scaffolding to more open-ended projects? --- layout: true class: split-two with-thick-border border-white .column[.content[ .split-two[[[ # 1 <br><br> BACKGROUND ]][[ # 3 <br><br> CREATOR ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-two[[[ # 2 <br><br> CONSUMER ]][[ # 4 <br><br> CONTRIBUTOR ]] ] ]] --- count: false class: gray-row1-col1 gray-row1-col2 gray-row2-col1 ??? INTRODUCE contributor --- layout: true class: split-two with-thick-border border-black .column[.content[ .split-two[[.content.left.vmiddle[ # You might be thinking # something like... ### Mara Averick, rstudio::conf(2018) ### [Contributing to Tidyverse packages]( ]][.content[ <img src="img/mara-first-contribution.PNG" width="50%" /> ]] ]] .column[.content[ .split-two[[.content[ <img src="img/mara-contributing-tidyverse.PNG" width="100%" /> ]][.content.right.vmiddle[ # but contributing can be more<br> than packages, pull requests,<br> and issues! ]] ] ]] --- count: true class: hide-row2-col1 hide-row2-col2 --- count: false --- layout: true class: split-three with-thick-border border-white .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # How do I contribute? ]][[ # Podcasts ]][[ # TidyTuesday ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # YouTube ]][[ # Slack ]][[ # Meet-ups ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # Twitter ]][[ # Conferences ]][[ # Blogs ]] ] ]] ??? how am i a contributor --- count: true --- count: false class: gray-row1-col2 gray-row2-col1 gray-row2-col3 gray-row3-col1 --- layout: true class: split-two with-thick-border border-gray .row[.content[ .split-three[[[ .img-fill[] ]][[ .img-fill[] ]][[ ### moved <br> ### new job <br> ### COVID-19 ]] ] ]] .row[.content[ .split-four[[[ .img-fill[] ]][[ ### since Aug 30, 2020 <br> ### 12 blog posts ]] .column[.content.nopadding[ .img-fill[] ]] .column[.content.nopadding[ .img-fill[] ]] ] ]] --- count: true class: hide-row1-col2 hide-row1-col3 hide-row2-col1 hide-row2-col2 hide-row2-col3 hide-row2-col4 --- count: false class: hide-row1-col3 hide-row2-col1 hide-row2-col2 hide-row2-col3 hide-row2-col4 --- count: false class: hide-row2-col1 hide-row2-col2 hide-row2-col3 hide-row2-col4 --- count: false class: hide-row2-col2 hide-row2-col3 hide-row2-col4 --- count: false class: hide-row2-col3 hide-row2-col4 --- count: false class: hide-row2-col4 --- count: false --- layout: true class: split-30 bg-main1 .row[.content[ ## `> "contributing" == "asking questions"` ## `> TRUE` ]] .row[.content[ .split-two[ .column[.content.left[ # No matter where you are # in your R learning journey # YOU are an important part # of the #rstats community! <br><br><br><br> ### [@WeAreRLadies Feb 16, 2021]( ]] .column[.content.right[ <img src="img/easy-pull-requests.PNG" width="90%" /> ### [@WeAreRLadies Feb 19, 2021]( ]] ] ]] --- count: true class: hide-row2-col1 hide-row2-col2 --- count: false class: hide-row2-col2 --- count: false ??? online interactions were hard for me at first asking questions was hard once i plugged into and really started engaging with people on slack & twitter, and giving back, i started to grow more connected to RLadies than before --- layout: false class: split-20 with-thick-border border-white background-image: url(img/vedrana-filipovic-wMQxgk2NhvI-unsplash.jpg) background-size: cover .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # consumer ]][[ # creator ]][[ # contributor ]] ] ]] .column[.content.nopadding[ ]] --- layout: true class: split-three with-thick-border border-white .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # R community ## (not comprehensive!) ]][[ # Podcasts ### [NSSD]( [Career]( <br> [Towards DS]( [Rweekly]( ]][[ # TidyTuesday ### [repo]( [visualizations]( ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # YouTube ### [R4DS]( [RLadies Global]( <br> [David Robinson]( [Julia Silge]( ]][[ # Slack ### [RLadies]( [R4DS]( [MiR]( ]][[ # Meet-ups ### [RLadies]( [R Users]( ]] ] ]] .column[.content[ .split-three[[[ # Twitter ### [A book!]( ]][[ # Conferences ### [RStudio]( [useR]( ]][[ # Blogs ### [Rweekly]( [R-bloggers]( ]] ] ]] --- count: true --- layout: false class: split-20 with-thick-border border-white[.content.vmiddle[ # RESOURCES ]] .row[.content[ .split-two[[.content[ ## Technical <br/> ### [
<i class="fas fa-box-open faa-tada animated " style=" color:#FFFFFF;"></i>
Emi Tanaka {anicon}](<br/> ### [⚔ Emi Tanaka kunoichi {xaringan} theme](<br/> ### [🚀 Silvia Canelón deploying {xaringan}](<br/> ### [📆 Jay Jacobs `ggcal.R`](<br/> ]][.content[ ## Content <br/> ### [🖊 Emily Riederer talk preparation](<br/> ### [💜 R-Ladies Seattle Meet-up: How to give a good talk]( ### [🎙 Emily Robinson & Jacqueline Nolis Build a Career in Data Science podcast Ep. 14: Joining the Community]( ### [
Twitter crowdsourcing calendar style]( ]] ] ]] --- class: middle center bg-main1 <br><br> # THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME TODAY <br> ### [
<i class="fab fa-twitter faa-float animated " style=" color:#FFFFFF;"></i>
@PipingHotData](<br/> ### [](<br> ### [](<br/> ### []( ### [](