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Function creates a gtsummary-class listing of data. Column labels are used as column headers, when present. The listing prints observations in the order of the input data.


tbl_listing(data, group_by = NULL, bold_headers = TRUE)



a data frame


Single variable name indicating a grouping variable. Default is NULL for no grouping variable. When specified, a grouping row will be added to the first column. See details below.


logical indicating whether to bold column headers. Default is TRUE


gtsummary data listing


The grouping column and the first column in the table will be combined and the type/class may be converted to common type/class for both columns. However, if either the group_by= column or the first column are factors, the factor column(s) will first be converted to character.

The groups are ordered according to the grouping variable's type (i.e., character, numeric, or factor).


The purpose of tbl_listing() is to add support for printing data frames, while taking advantage of the {gtsummary} defaults, e.g. ability to print to most output formats, using print themes to have a common style to all tables in a document, etc.

While the output of tbl_listing() is class 'gtsummary', these tables are not meant to be merged with other 'gtsummary' tables with tbl_merge(), or reporting table contents with inline_text(). The reason is that a proper 'gtsummary' contains additional, hidden structure not present in the result of tbl_listing(). If you do need to report the results of tbl_listing() in-line, it's recommended to convert the table to a data frame, then extract the needed cell, e.g.

tbl_listing() |>
  as_tibble(col_names = FALSE) |>
  dplyr::slice(1) |>

Example Output

Example 1

Example 2


library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

tbl_listing_ex1 <-
  head(df_adverse_events, n = 10) %>%
  select(system_organ_class, adverse_event, grade, drug_attribution, patient_id) %>%
  arrange(adverse_event, desc(grade)) %>%
  tbl_listing(group_by = system_organ_class) %>%

tbl_listing_ex2 <-
df_patient_characteristics %>%
  dplyr::slice_sample(n = 10) %>%
  select(patient_id, status, discontinued, off_trt_ae) %>%
  tbl_listing() %>%
  as_gt() %>%